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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Instagram Will Come To Android

If you don't have an iPhone, you don't have Instagram— which means you've undoubtedly been forced to leer at your friends' impossibly hip filtered photos with no truly comparable experience to call your own. But don't fret would-be hipsters: Android users will soon be able to join the party.
At the hilariously titled LeWeb conference in Paris yesterday, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom said the company is working on an Android version of its popular app.
"We have two people working on Android now," Systrom said, though he declined to hint at a release date.
Since its introduction as an iOS exclusive in October 2010, Instagram has racked up an impressive 50 million users. The app's devotees use the service to take and share photos with friends that can also be instantly copied to Facebook and Twitter. To date, its success is thought to have gone part and parcel with the iPhone's much-lauded camera and display.

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