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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Instagram Says It Will Allow Video Sharing

Instagram, iOS's most-loved photo-sharing app, won't always just be for photos. At the TechCrunch Disrupt convention in Beijing this weekend, the startup's CEO Kevin Systrum said next up for the company was video and more.
The vision for Instagram "is to allow you to tell the story of your life," Systrom said, sounding a lot like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. "We really want to go after something bigger than filtered photos."
Systrom's ambitions, at least with regards to video, seem practical enough. Although there are already video-sharing apps on the market that hew closely to the Instagram model, most-notably Viddy, Instagram's reputation and 9 million users put it in a unique position for expansion.
The company hasn't said when users can expect the video-sharing functionality... yet. Whenever it does arrive, we don't expect the company to mess with its winning formula too much.

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