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Monday, September 19, 2011

Ray j Vs. Fabolous Beef Update!!! Listen To the Live Interview!!!

Around midnight (Arizona-time), the twitter streets got heavy with talk that Fabolous and Ray J had been in a fight and that Ray J got his ass beat. We all know  Fab runs with Street Fam, who have been known to get their hands dirty. But what did him and Ray would have in common (or in difference) to even talk, yet alone come to blows…

Little did we know that over the last few days Fabolous has been taking tweet jabs at Ray

Fabolous and Ray J were both at The Palms in Las Vegas last night performing. The Word is that Ray J hit FabolousFab performed his set, and then proceeded to beat up Ray J behind stage… A girl on twitter named @ExoticMaya who was there stated,
“So @RayJ just punched @myfabolouslife about some dumb stuff but Fab whooped his ass backstage… And so now @RayJ is being escorted out with 4 cops … I had to leave out of that drama. And for the chicks spreading the rumor that @50cent hit @myfabolouslife in the bathroom… Cut it out. Y’all accusing the wrong folk. So me & @HollywoodKesan was laughing the whole time at @50cent instigating … @KevinHart4real looked confused as hell. So I videotaped it but security made everyone delete footage … I should of hid my phone & dipped off…”
This Morning on Power 105.1's The Breakfast Club, Ray J Calls in to set the story straight. "all I'm saying is tell that nigga Fab Send you a picture of his face right now!" Listen to the entire Conversation Here!

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