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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Definition of Cheating

How do you define ‘cheating’. What actions fall into this category?

If you’re anything like me, this is a gray area. I’ve always simplified what could be a long drawn out, and detailed definition by saying this: “Cheating is doing anything with another man/woman that you wouldn’t want your boyfriend or girlfriend to do.” But hey, we all know it’s much more complicated than that.

While most people would qualify say ‘sexting’ or going out with someone else as cheating when it applies to their lover, most would not call it cheating if they themselves had committed the act. That goes to show how hypocritical we are can be and also demonstrates how we hold out mates to much higher standards than we govern ourselves by. But why would it be any other way? The biggest pimp in the world doesn’t like to be labeled a cheater.

MOST people don’t go searching for a sidepiece or a one night stand. Most affairs begin as friendships and build into something more. With that being said, something as harmless as a group gathering can be the birth of a love affair. The question is, WHERE IS THAT GRAY LINE that separates innocent friendship and cheating? More importantly, HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE’VE CROSSED IT?

Second guessing or rationalizing your actions means that you could be crossing a line. You want your friendships to flow fluidly. Whenever there’s stalling, you probably know you are on the verge of cheating. Having an inkling that you’re drawn to someone else? You might be on the verge of cheating.

Here’s an example of what I mean: You have a co-worker that you occasionally find yourself in the lunch room with. You two strike up a conversation and grab a coffee after work. You’re confused whether or not to share this with your boyfriend or girlfriend? If the outing is totally innocent, what is there to tell? But if you two are attracted to each other, why would you tell?

We could go on all day playing with different scenarios and questions! I want to know what you think! What do you consider cheating? How can you tell when you’re crossing the line?

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